ENOUGH! (Misogyny and the current state of the show).

Why is it that Luca can do whatever he wants and (some of) you lot will defend and defend and defend him? Genuinely why. Explain it to me like I’m a fucking child. What has he given you personally that negates his misogyny, negates his friendship with abuser of women Connor McGregor? Please, enlighten me.

And then the women. When Elma has a go at Scott, which amounted to nothing anyway, she’s rude and speaking above her station. When Ekin is rightfully angry at Curtis, she’s dramatic and doing too much. When Kaz kisses someone, she’s desperate and traitor. So many reasons to dogpile and hate women, and no reason at all to dislike petulant, pathetic, misogynistic men. You have fuck all to say about Luca, but a woman breathes wrong and all of sudden you want to be the morality police? Spare me. I don’t want to hear it from you.

This is having a dire impact on the show. Women used to be vivacious and loud, they stood their ground against the men (season 5 being the best example). People complain constantly about how boring the recent seasons have been, but this is the inevitable conclusion when the boring ass public harass and bully the women who actually are willing to stand up for themselves and give us good television. The only way to succeed in this show as a woman is to shut up and cry, and always forgive the men. Whitney lost to Jess, who allowed Sammy to disrespect her unchecked for weeks. The women who stood up to Joey Essex like Grace and Jess S didn’t place all that high. It just isn’t right, and it makes for boring content as well. Especially when you contrast it with the recent success of the US season, which was carried by 3 unapologetically messy women. They’d have been voted out week 1 if they had been at the mercy of the UK public.

As another Redditor said, this is all part of the global swing to the hard right. It’s shut up and look pretty and always cater to men (see the rise in trad wives content as another example of this). For those of you that take part in the hate campaigns against our most entertaining women, in service of propping up men like Luca, and wonder why this show isn’t as fun as it used to be, there is your answer. If you want someone to blame, you need only look in the mirror.