Olivia was a true girl’s girl when it actually mattered
Towards the end of the series, when there was the whole drama with Gabbie not being able to tell Marcel she loved him, and then at the same time getting into drama with Montana, Olivia really stuck up for her, both behind her back and directly to her. When Sam was making nasty comments to the whole villa, she called him out directly and made sure his comments against weren’t just said unchallenged. Maybe because she was older, she had the courage/maturity to do that. Georgia and Alex and Montana joined in the Gabbie bashing, which was very pathetic. (Especially when they acted like the lie detector was foolproof and not a deeply flawed piece of pseudoscience with absolutely no evidence behind its effectiveness 🥴) Olivia also made it a point to embrace Gabbie in front of everyone when she was having an emotional moment on the girl’s day out. Georgia and Amber were kind of digging into her at that lunch and it was rough to watch. Gabbie even commented how much she felt supported by Olivia, which was a surprise to her.
I was always surprised when Olivia commented throughout the show that she’s the type of person that is disliked and “girls love to hate”. She definitely has a fiery personality and I’m not saying she doesn’t have flaws, esp w how her relationship with Chris played out, but she showed throughout the show that she strongly supports her friends and stands up for people, even girls she wasn’t particularly close to like Gabbie. I think any girl would be lucky to call her a friend