Tea on Kylie and Brian (The unseen couple on LIB Season 8)
Idk if anyone's mentioned this before but Kyle Schuelke and Brian Sumpton were 2 cast members that apparently connected on the show but weren't given air time. Apparently they are still dating, but never got engaged (correct me if I'm wrong). Totally wish we had seen more of them instead of the whole mason/alex/madison drama. She seemed really interesting (based on her background as a med student and the random little scenes we got of her in the pods). I know there were a few others who weren't shown either (Brittany/Mo, Vanessa/Adam etc.) but her and Brian according to the source are still dating so I wish we got a little glimpse into their story. Thoughts?
TLDR: half jacket girl made a connection and it wasn't shown
Also their couple pic is sooo cuute!! That dress OMG.