What is the deal with Lauren?

Prefacing this by saying Dave is the worst but Lauren is so odd to me too.

Hyper competitive and pickme in the pods, even though the prize is... Dave.

Has a fuck the patriarchy tattoo but still goes for a man who negged her ("what's wrong with you, youre unattractive, you weren't high on my list"), isn't pro choice, lied to her and Molly, is a cheater, admits to not having integrity in the past and judging women solely on looks. These are not traits any sane woman would want in a husband, but Lauren (and Molly) both remain determined to win him.

I also feel for her because her self esteem isn't great. Her man is berating her constantly, watching her cry, refusing to drop something completely irrelevant, talking about it with other people, believing them over her, and doesn't even live with her anymore. And instead of calling him on it like her friends did she just defends herself and begs him to stay. And he still leaves!

Women, have high standards and the ability to walk away or you will find yourself begging for crumbs from the worst men to walk this planet!! Being picked is not more important than your sanity and happiness.