Why is Marshall so popular (along with others)

I’m sorry I can’t stand him. Jackie was the worst in a lot of ways and I think that overshadowed the fact that Marshall sucks too. He gives me such “I’m the victim” vibes yet he’s really quick to claim to be “saving” someone. He acts like he’s better than everyone (male and female) and I literally can’t stand it. I’m sorry, he infuriates me more than almost every other cast member throughout the show because he is SO high and mighty. Jackie had her issues but him calling her a project??? Gross. He as a whole human is gross to me, sorry if that’s an unpopular opinion but he is. His “nice guy” facade is exactly what it is, a facade. Which by the way seems common with this show, we always have to have one guy who ends up with someone who doesn’t end up wanting to marry them and they end up the victims. Look at Jessica and Mark, Natalie and Shane, Mallory and Sal, I could go on. I’m not saying the show hasn’t had male villains because it clearly has. However they always cast one “nice guy” who gets “done dirty” when in reality they’re manipulative af. It’s gross and I’m tired of seeing it, and before everyone says “just don’t watch the show” that’s not really the point. Also they clearly edit certain people to be villains (it’s reality tv that’s to be expected) but I hate how they choose one man every season to essentially be the martyr. Idk, maybe I need to stop watching reality tv or just this show, I’m just so frustrated with it at this point and it’s not even fun to watch anymore.