Don’t hate me but…why does everyone here seem to hate Jimmy?

He’s definitely not the sharpest crayon in the box and is in no way close to anyone I personally would date, but he just sorta seems dumb and harmless to me?

I don’t think he played Jess….he just clearly wasn’t ready for the father role which is beyond fair (I’m saying this as a single mom myself).

I feel like he’s constantly reassuring Chelsea, he tells her he loves her and is “all in” in every episode, he just doesn’t deliver it in the way that SHE wants. I don’t think it’s because he isn’t into her, I really think it’s just because he’s not very smart.

I notice when Chelsea complains to him she says things akin to, “You’re making me feel like xyz” when, in reality, Chelsea is making Chelsea feel like xyz. I would love to be friends with Chelsea because she seems super down to earth and fun to be around, but holy shit would she drive me crazy as a partner with her need for constant validation. If the way Jimmy expresses his love isn’t it for her that’s fine but it’s on her. She’s constantly telling him what he’s doing wrong but then the first criticism he gives to her about being “clingy” (which she is an needed to hear) she freaks out? Idk y’all.

I’m prepared to get flamed in the comments for this but I really don’t get this like visceral hate for Jimmy…..