Can we talk about Jimmy for a second?

I’m happy Jimmy and Chelsea picked each other.

Let me explain why I was holding my breath for these two to pick each other.

  1. I found it very weird and off how Chelsea was giving the same energy to both connections when Trevor was clearly the better and more decisive option. Before that I didn’t mind her too much but when she said one of the girls was visibly mad about her connection with Jimmy I was peeved because wtf.

  2. When Jessica told Jimmy she had a kid. He wasn’t ok with it but said what he thought was expected from him. I called it from the very beginning so when other instances came out where I could see the devil in his eyes I worried for Jessica. Let me remind you of the two instances off the top of my head. i) When Chelsea told him of her divorce, he essentially said he had gotten worse news earlier. ii) Then when he shared the story of his adopted sister, he kept talking about how his mom was an angel for doing that. He literally told us nothing about his sister besides the facts that she was adopted, as if that’s her identifier as an individual in the household ick. So yea, I was pissed he wasted that girl’s time.

  3. For clarity, Chelsea NEVER said she looked like MF. She in fact clarified that she did not see it but people do tell her that. Ofcourse, I see why Jimmy took it and ran with the it but that’s not her fault he chose perceived looks over overall connection.

  4. Unrelated but what’s up with AD flirting with Jimmy. Ew, that was shocking and now I see her differently.