Izzy is problematic…

Now, I feel that Johnie had a lot of flaws but this isn’t about her. I think Izzy really wanted Johnie as a top choice, but the moment he saw that her past marriage was impacted because of the news her past lover died… he judged her so harshly and lost interest just because of that. I get what he probably thinks - that Johnie didn’t really love her husband then and that totally can be a red flag. At the same time, it’s hard witnessing the death of someone you loved and grew with regardless if they’re an ex or not. When I heard Johnie say that, my reaction was genuine shock and sympathy for what went on and how sad I feel for her ex. I can’t imagine how she feels/how his death has impacted her.

My instinct wasn’t that she’s a bad wife/was probably fantasizing about her ex during the marriage. I have a feeling Izzy thought about it like that - in a superficial and weird way. And that’s what made him lose interest. I think he really gives off dumb douchey superficial jock vibes who loves having a pick of women he wants. Barista Bartisse vibes tbh. I think Stacy was his type so I hope his eyes don’t wander. Wish her the best honestly.