Garret's incoherent rambling when the possibility of Taylor not being white still gives me the ick.
Here is the full diarrhea of the mouth quote when Taylor refused to reveal her mother's name because it would give away her ethnicity.
“Your ethnicity, the thought hadn’t crossed my mind in any direction on that, so [that’s] interesting. I have to admit, I’ve dated white girls — that’s all I’ve ever dated — so it is a new feeling for me, even without knowing what ethnicity you are. I’m not sure what that looks like for me either, going forward,” he said. “It’s just a shock. … Not a shock, but you are very, like, calculated about what you say. And while I love that about you, it’s also like, ‘What’s she hiding?’’’
Y. I. K.E.S. I get that Garrret is in Tech/engineering, which is a predominately white occupation, and his social circle is mostly white due to him being in a fraternity. But isn't he from an area with a large POC population?? Looking at his Instagram, he knew some POC growing up as well. His reaction is very odd, to say the least, especially under the context of a show called love is blind, where you fall in love with someone and you don't see them for a while. It's not like he met Taylor on Tinder, and then a black girl showed up on the date as her. Idk; his reaction just doesn't fully sit right with me, especially considering Garret was in his early to mid-30s. I understand that some people do not get chances to interracial date due to certain circumstances or locations, but he was legitimately shocked that she wasn't white at first. It's also a prime example that for a lot of people, the blank state/default person is always white in America.
This is just my speculation, but I feel like if Taylor was a black girl, his reaction at the reveal would've been worse. He seemed relieved when he saw she was asian.