In Virginia, Madison & Molly We Stan

Virginia. Once again, you read that receding hairline, broke ass basketball assistance coach with “I can build a better world with a basketball and bitcoin” ass incel of ingrown hair toe for absolute filth and didn’t even have to utter a swear word. You did it with such class and grace that had him stuttering like the gotdamn buffoony ass simpleton that he is. Girl you read him down, you ate and licked the plate tf clean. And my girls Madison and Molly came through with the assist and you ain’t even need it but girl you had him flailing lookin’ just ashy af. Devin, you busted back, patchy bearded pirate, take yourself and your pyramid schemes to the waters of lake Minnetonka and leave it and yourself under it.

Sara. deep sigh I really don’t have country for you or Lauren but I guess good on you both for clocking Ben & Dave the little that you did.

Monica. Girl… your sister still a jealous and will no doubt continue to ruin your relationships but I’m still glad you clocked Joey’s ass the way you did and read him down. However, I still find you both at fault and essentially trying to make fetch happen. IMO despite both being very hot people, y’all don’t have the same kinda personalities just equal high energies.

I think the fact that neither of y’all said you loved or were in love with each other was extremely telling. So in the end y’all made the right choice but I don’t understand your whole “woe is me” act when like Lauren you continued to put yourself through woe for a man that was barely giving you country friend. But in the future I hope you both will know when to call it quits instead of dragging it. Cause it sounds like both of y’all knew this shouldn’t even of carried to the altar, like let’s be for real.

Taylor. Daniel getting your eyes tattooed on his chest is crazy but apparently so is your coochie, so you know, good for you.

Molly. My girls girl through and through, and chileee, you stay outside don’t you? Cause how you be everywhere to corroborate the tea? I love you, and thank you for clocking Dave in a way that Lauren’s ass just can’t do. You come through every time.

And last but certainly not least, Madison. MY GIRL, YOU stood ten toes down. She clocked that goofy ass no accountability ass Mason and his manipulation to a T. She clocked Meg being an eternal f*cking manipulative ass pick me. “Dont I have the right to be mad?” No, goofy you don’t. You’re mad cause you went all in on Mason in the pods, did your best song and pick me dance and still didn’t get chose and then you simped tf back like a pick me cause Mason paid you a few compliments only to get put right back into the friend zone after probably giving him some conspiracy coochie. Your misdirected anger at Madison needs to be aimed right at yourself.

I’ve never seen two cringer people than Mason and Meg, they really thought they had Madison, but she hit them with that, “uno reverse”, and had them straight up muted and looking stupid. Especially when she clocked them both for being misogynistic, and called out Meg for speaking on her and being manipulative af in the pods to the point Meg is telling on herself and exposing her green monster vitriol towards Madison on full display.

Mason really tried to blame the fact that he’s not attracted to Meg the way he is Madison on Madison and Meg is mad because no matter how many Joe Rogan/ red pill rhetoric she follows and repeats to get men to love her, she still not getting tf picked.

Meg you’re an absolute embarrassment. Madison read you down and clocked your internalized misogyny because that’s how low you’ve degraded yourself to be picked by men that in the end still don’t want you. Mason, you may be dumb but you’re a man, a spineless man that tried to be a player, tried to manipulate and failed to bag a baddie. alex, you’re a sociopathic, lying ass pedophilic ass b*ch and Netflix providing you with a platform is a disservice to women and children everywhere.

I have never been so disgusted with three people in my entire life. Madison I was shaking with you, I know fury like that when people are lying on you and placing blame on you. But you held your head together high and well. And all the girls sans Meg backed you. The receipts you provided were not scolding but they provided context and proof that alex is a two-faced little pussy and Meg and Mason looked dumb af for defending him. And even dumber now associating with him after knowing what has come out about him. This was full vindication for my girl Madison. Anyone who disagrees, didn’t care before, don’t care now, keep doubling down for the 3 Doofus’s, it really makes me no never mind.

Lastly congratulations to Ollie and AD, I’m so happy for them, I hope they get a Netflix wedding special, I would love to see it, and I can’t wait for the PERFECT MATCH. THIS REUNION WAS BETTER THAN THE ENTIRE GOTDAMN SEASON, AMEN!