Molly and Taylor are the friends we all need

It's all been said again and again. Dave has disrepected so many women, so many times since the beginning of this season. He was upfront and showed his questionable personality from the get go. And although we weren't expecting much redemption from him, he somehow managed to keep it getting worse.

BUT in the midst of that shitshow, I've loved how the girls, namely Molly and Taylor never let him put the blame on Lauren. His good guy act has him drop subtle negative comments that could be easy to miss. But they didnt.

"She pees so much" --> "Do you snore ? Maybe you wake her up"
"Usually I'm the one who fucks up" --> "Are you implying you believe she fucked up?!"

When the negging is small and subtle, it can be easy to let is slide during a convo. Especially with someone you're not close to. But these two didnt cut him any slack. Their comebacks were witty and quick. They would not let him drag them to his side.

Loved seeing it.