Thoughts on the new outfit for MC?
I gotta say I really dislike the new outfit. I love the boots but the fabric of the shirt and skirt and the colors and the lace and belt??😭 are just not it, at least not in that combination. It also fits kinda weird on mc’s body. I'm a bit disappointed bc I was excited to get a new outfit for MC but well hopefully the next one will be better🫡 Do you guys like the new outfit?
I gotta say I really dislike the new outfit. I love the boots but the fabric of the shirt and skirt and the colors and the lace and belt??😭 are just not it, at least not in that combination. It also fits kinda weird on mc’s body. I'm a bit disappointed bc I was excited to get a new outfit for MC but well hopefully the next one will be better🫡 Do you guys like the new outfit?