What’s your exit strategy for the Nightly Rendevous?

I wanna save enough to have a fighting chance for Caleb’s release

Which means, realistically, I can only pull for 1-2 cards

I don’t like how I’m looking at my dias…so I must come up with an exit strategy before the event starts!

PLEASE share your exit strategies, so I too may knock some sense in me

For now my exit strategy is, get Raf’s memory (I need the affinity), try for Sylus (it’s his first kiss card c’mon) and then watch every thing else on YT

Also, IIRC, all of Sylu’s cards in the pulse hunter were later added to the permanent wish pool right?

If I’m okay with not getting ALL his cards during the Pulse Hunter, that could give me more leeway to pull for 3 cards in this event

But then I’d be struggling for banners between Feb to Apr atleast. Sigh, to be a Harem Girlie