Found a dead dog at Shawnee park
I’m sorry to post this, but I just found a dead dog, maybe a husky mix around fifty pounds, looked very young, was wearing a red nylon collar with no tags. Was floating in the duck pond, probably fell in and froze when they couldn’t find a way out. I pulled the body out and laid it on the edge of the pond, didn’t check the sex, now realizing I should have. If you’re missing a dog around Shawnee park of this description, you may want to head over there and check, I’m very sorry.
Also, the number of dogs I come across with collars but no tags is amazing. If you have a dog, please strongly consider putting your phone number on the collar. I would’ve much preferred to call someone who cared for this animal than post it here to everyone. Take care of your four legged friends year round, but especially now that it’s so cold.