[SPOILERS] Pam's job

Rewatching/listening to a walkthrough and at one point Gus asks Pam in the background how work was.
She says "Oh, nice and quiet, just a few kids came in for studying."

That sounds like might be running a cafe, but couldn't it also be that she's a librarian?
Earlier in the game Kat mentions that she frequents the library, so it's likely they would've met and maybe even talked from time to time.

If she's already gotten to know Kat, that could also be an (additional) reason for why she's enthusiastic at the show.

So my theory is that Pam knows Kat due to her job and might also know that Kat is interested in curses and such things from her book choices. She recognizes her at the concert, and takes note of the other girls too.
The incident and possibly some things that happen in Tape 2 then make her curious about what is going on with the girls and especially Kat, and that's how she comes to notice that some weird stuff is going on, which she then asks 2022 Swann about.
Some people also have the theory that Pam already knows who Swann and Autumn are, and that Gus called her to the bar after seeing Swann, which would fit in nicely with this.

Admittedly, since libraries are usually quiet places, her answer seems a bit mismatched, but I think that's not enough to debunk the idea entirely.