[LOTM/COI] Hello Fellow Citizens, Our Stupid Ass Fanfic Just Dropped Chapter 3 🗣️✍️🔥

Webnovel Link? http://wbnv.in/a/17ii1Eb

Discord Thread Where We Made This? https://discord.com/channels/563405492420870155/1307007789146575010

Join the chat. You'll not become a Main Character, but you'll become a Villain!

I know this is becoming a repetitive post, but author would kill me and my family, but don't worry, I put laxatives on shoes without him knowing.

Webnovel Link? http://wbnv.in/a/17ii1Eb

Discord Thread Where We Made This? https://discord.com/channels/563405492420870155/1307007789146575010

Join the chat. You'll not become a Main Character, but you'll become a Villain!

I know this is becoming a repetitive post, but author would kill me and my family, but don't worry, I put laxatives on shoes without him knowing.