How to look better? I feel hopeless

I’ve put photos of everyday me (sorry for a bit swollen face I was crying) and dolled up me (very rare occurrence because it takes me a lot of time and it’s just overall overwhelming for my body also not suitable for everyday life with work etc). I take care of my skin, hair. I move a lot. I take my vitamins, I drink lots of water, try to get a decent amount of sleep. I rarely drink, don’t smoke etc. My hair naturally is very flat and thin, low porosity, I tried adding volume to it with texturizing spray/mousses hair dryer rollers etc but nothing worked I also never had a lot of them so slight volume made me look a bit balding? But I hate that they are so flat on my head. I did all that but nothing really changes anything since the issue is my face features. No matter what I do or wear it’s just make it ugly. Is there anything I could do change in my appearance to make my face my nose my eyes my jaw my lips etc look better? I’m looking for anything but without much plastic aka fillers because I’m still young and I think all that would dissolve very ugly later in life. I’m considering saving up for a nose job for sure it would do wonders but I’m not sure yet. It would feel unfair to my future child that it could get my ugly nose while I changed mine with surgery. Also what if I don’t like it and wouldn’t be able to go back? (But tbh I for sure would love the effect my face would look much more feminine delicate and proportional which is the look I’m yearning for)