Physical Touch Love Language in LDR (32F) (32M)

Any others out there with their primary love language being physical touch? I'm struggling a bit.

When I visit my partner, I love giving him back rubs, neck rubs, head scratches, kisses, etc. I hug him and cuddle him like it's my job. When we're apart, I'm basically cuddling a pile of pillows with his jacket on top like "yep, this is good enough." Oh, it's such a struggle but, honestly, having his jacket really helps. It's at least him there in spirit, kind of. I gave him my sweater and he will snuggle up with it when he's especially missing me. It's so sweet.

My other main love language is acts of service. I helped him with his car and he was oddly impressed and really grateful. So, I gave him my aventurine necklace charm and told him "Even if things are shitty sometimes, at least we have each other and I think that's pretty fortunate." He has it on his keychain now. Acts of service is a lot easier from long-distance, though, especially in the digital age.

What are some other ways that physical touch love languagers can deal with long-distance? We talk every night after work and he'll let me know his shoulders are stiff and I sit there like "Well, time to invent some arm extensions so I can give you shoulder rubs after work" and he finds it hilarious but I'm dead serious