Edgy jokes..

I’ve been in a long distance rs with my boyfriend for almost a year now, and even though we have our disagreements, I try to look past it and love him as much as I can. But I’m somewhat a sensitive person and get really hurt by some of the things he says. A couple months ago he sent me a video of a very beautiful lady on instagram and asked me how much money for makeup I need to look like her. I was a bit upset and tried to express how I felt, but he told me he was joking so I laughed it off, but I haven’t been able to get it off my mind. A lot of similar things have happened which im not going to delve into, but the tipping point that made me write this post was recently he told me I was “unattractive” and that he’s never felt nervous around me. I’m not sure how to feel about that and I’ve been upset with him since. I know asking strangers on the internet about this is absurd, but I really don’t know who to talk to this about and what I should do now. Anyone willing to offer some advice?