my (19f) boyfriend (19m) made me cry

me (19f) and my bf (19m) are medium distance, about 4 hours away and we've been together for about 1.5 years. due to our school/work schedules being complete opposites, we dont have much time to actually see each other in person. so we call a lot. the other day, he told me that whenever i fall asleep on the phone before him, he stays on the phone (which i knew), and typically he mutes himself so he doesnt accidentally wake me up, as im a fairly light sleeper. but he also shared that before he goes to sleep, he'll unmute himself, and remind me that he loves me and tells me goodnight again. he says that he heard it might make me have good dreams (or something like that, i dont remember lol). he also said that sometimes he says other things, but he doesnt want to spill all his secrets. and i thought it was so sweet i just started sobbing. i just love him so much, hes genuinely so sweet and im so happy to have him in my life. thats all hehe, just needed some people to share my happy moment with :)