Anyone else having seizures?

I got COVID in July. I had a very mild cold and tested negative at first. Then I was driving my kid home and my whole body went pins and needles. I pulled over and had some kind of episode where my eyelids twitched really violently. All labs normal except a positive Covid test, and the ER doc said what happened to me wasn’t unusual for Covid before sending me home.

Over the following months this same type of episode repeated, along with brain fog, fatigue, migraines, and vertigo. Chalked it up to long covid. It’s gotten worse recently and I was finally able to get in with my PCP and she concluded my twitchy eye episodes were mild seizures. I’ve never had epilepsy or seizures before and I’m freaked out to be honest.

Right now we’re ruling out anything else it could be but since I have other long covid symptoms we’re leaning towards long covid presenting with epilepsy. Is anyone else experiencing this? Looking it up in this subreddit I haven’t seen a ton of posts about it, and studies are showing that it’s pretty rare. Just hoping for advice or someone who understands.