Weekends alone with nothing to do
I try to be positive, I really do. But this weekend I am really struggling. Got up at midday both days because I couldn't shake the thought that I have nowhere to be. No one to meet. Nothing to do.
How do you deal with such empty days, my fellow alone-living lovely people? How do you get yourself to get up and not just rot in bed when you feel so, so down, alone and useless?
Sorry for the rant, I guess I just need some pick me up!
EDIT: wow! This community never disappoints! Over 500 comments, I am stunned! And only one person called me pathetic, haha, so I guess that's a good score!
Thank you so much everyone for your kind words and ideas of how to pick myself up! I suppose the problem is some underlying depression, coz in theory I know what I could do with free time. Having said that, your comments gave me so, so many new ideas and positive energy!
Thank you all! 💙
And for the people who commented they felt the same struggle - I hope these comments lift you up, too! 🩷