LPS Popular

Hi!! I’m really sorry if this isn’t really the best option to post on here, and if it’s random, but it is Littlest Pet Shop related… I was rewatching an LPS classic, from my childhood named LPS popular and I hope you guys know what it is :3 I don’t mean to sound rude, or demanding, I was wondering when SophieGTV will return to finish it? It’s been 4 years since the last episode dropped. I’m sure she’s busy with a lot of things, and it is not her fault at all. She has way more busy things going on in her life, and I can respect it. But I am wondering, has anyone have any updates on her???? Or about LPS Popular? I’m just kind of curious, and honestly I hope she’s doing ok overall. Again, she has been busy, so it’s understandable, but is there any updates? If not it’s okay. We will continue to be patient!