
This question probably falls more into the child psychology and development category across all area, baseball among them, but what are some tricks and techniques and motivational tools you’ve used when your players can’t seem to stay focused?

I have a crew of players in 10U that have mostly played together for the last couple years, and maybe their familiarity with each other (and me) makes the goof off and distraction factor that much higher. I’ve always been a firm believer in Positive Coaching and emphasizing effort, attitude, and teamwork, but those touch points don’t seem to be sticking this season so far.

Yes, I know this behavior is sometimes generally expected among 10- and 9-year-olds, so it might be an uphill battle. And it applies everywhere (at school, making your bed, etc.). But it’s been challenging getting the right culture going so far this season at practice - games start a couple weeks from now.

Any advice?