Post Lipoma removal
I had a small 3cm lipoma in my inner thigh for years now and I finally decided to get it removed two weeks ago. I was back to work the next day and have laid low like I was told to (no gym, no swimming,etc). I’ve had it covered with a light gauze throughout the day when I’m at work so it won’t rub against my clothes and when I sit, and then take it off when I get home to let it breathe. I’ve only just started to put Vaseline on the suture area this week.
I’m taking a look at it, and one half of it is healing, the other half is bright pink/red. It’s not an open wound, but it still looks like raw, unhealed skin. Is that normal? This is my first time having any type of surgery on my skin before.
Ps the medical adhesive that they put after surgery and provided for at home care destroyed the area all around it. My skin pretty much started welting and is now scarring? I’ve had to apply cortisone and use paper medical tape instead (so excuse the not so flattering picture of my thigh 😔)
I had a small 3cm lipoma in my inner thigh for years now and I finally decided to get it removed two weeks ago. I was back to work the next day and have laid low like I was told to (no gym, no swimming,etc). I’ve had it covered with a light gauze throughout the day when I’m at work so it won’t rub against my clothes and when I sit, and then take it off when I get home to let it breathe. I’ve only just started to put Vaseline on the suture area this week.
I’m taking a look at it, and one half of it is healing, the other half is bright pink/red. It’s not an open wound, but it still looks like raw, unhealed skin. Is that normal? This is my first time having any type of surgery on my skin before.
Ps the medical adhesive that they put after surgery and provided for at home care destroyed the area all around it. My skin pretty much started welting and is now scarring? I’ve had to apply cortisone and use paper medical tape instead (so excuse the not so flattering picture of my thigh 😔)