Is LTT going to take down their 9070 xt video?

With news of the $599 MSRP of the 9070 xt being a temporary launch price, will LTT be taking down their 9070 xt video? The entire review propped up the card as being a great value for the money. Every short coming was not so short due to it's price. The positive picture and LTT recommendation was based on a price that is no longer available. I have been watching in stock trackers and I only once saw a power color 9070 xt at $699, all other models have far more than powercolor's $100 markup.

Tldr: 9070 xt now starts at $699 and retailer confirmed it. Will LTT take down or alter their video to reflect this? A maximum $50 difference from the 5070 ti's MSRP massively changes the card's overall value.
