The Crotchless List: the single best piece of lingerie.

A list of Crotchless / Ouvert / Open / Openable panties & bodysuits

TLDR: I’m a lingerie addict and made this list.

My first lingerie purchase was an embarrassingly cheap crotchless panty from Frederick’s when I was 18. It was fun(ny). Last year I decided I was gonna bring back the Crotchless, but it was going to be classier, sexier. I found the Fleur Du Mal Magnolia ouvert (TMI it gets wet/sloppy! The “jock strap” design extends wear time ;). And so began my lingerie addiction. Now I am here sharing a list of 30 50 crotchless underwear brands.

  Disclaimer: I did my best listing max sizes to save the disappointment of falling in love with shit that doesn’t fit, but check size chart/measurements/reviews.


Emoji key: | 📏custom sizing | 🌱plant-based fabrics | 💕🖤girly or dark look | 🤑>$100 panty (bras will range ~$40-$200) | 👛“affordable”< $40 panty |


For Most Butts (all sizes):

For some butts (some sizes):


Ouvert bodysuits:



- Tatu Couture Peep Bras, UK.


I’m sure there’s more to add 😜—tell me!