no more wlans available since upgrade yesterday

Hello everyone,I just upgraded to lineage-20.0-20230316-nightly-avicii .Yesterday I was excited because I saw there is finally a new build again.My device (one plus nord) got no more updates since lineage 17.1 because it has lost all its maintainers.So I upgraded to the new version.A direct upgrade seemed not to work so I did a clean up and new install.Everything went well.But than I noticed, the only feature that is not working now, is the WLAN!It will not find any wlan network.Can you please tell me, what can I do?I really dont want to downgrade again.

Thank you very much, finally I could repair it.
I upgraded LineageOS 17.1 directly to LineageOS 20 (from Android 10), but the installation requirement was Android 12.
This caused the WLAN not available anymore.

Repair Attempt 1:
I tried to fix it by using the MSM Download Tool to flash OxygenOS Stock ROM back.
But the tool always said, that "device not match image"

Repair Attempt 2:
Then I tried to write stock ROM over fastboot package (link below).
This also produced errors, it said writing is not permitted for critical partitions.
The problem was, that I could not get into fastbootD. (mind the letter D!)
The solution came randomly when I flashed back dtbo.img, vbmeta.img and maybe the recovery.img --> after that I had the fastbootD from lineage.
Than I modified the flash-all.bat from the fastboot stock ROM package: I removed the line with the reboot (because it would may leave the fastbootD program and as far as I now, this reboot should only get into this mode, but I already was into)

So I flashed the whole stock ROM while in fastbootD bootloader from lineage.

After that I could power on my device and it installed a clean OxygenOS, like new.
Than I took 3 cycles of system updates with around 3x3 GB traffic until my device was up to date. Finally it was android 12.1.
With that version I flashed back lineageOS avicii 20 - and now it works, also the wlan is fine.

got the fastboot stock ROM from here:

Thanks you all for the replies.