Lillia is unplayable in high elo

To start this off, I know this post is only going to apply to about 1% of the subreddit, but regardless I think that this is important. Lillia is quite dead in high elo in terms of a one trickable champion. If you don't know, early game is typically the only thing that matters in high elo. Most games are technically over within 10-15 minutes. Graph of average game length by elo. Lillia's new early is basically unplayable into all the meta junglers and champions.


As of right now, Riot might be looking into the fact that Lillia finally has a 50% winrate combining all elos worldwide! Job well done! However, the unfortunate truth is that her winrate has only gone up significantly in lower elos. If you take a look at Platinum+ it's up by ~2%, which is nice but still bad. For this post, I'm mainly talking about Masters+, where her winrate is slightly lower than last patch as of this post.


In Patch 11.13 her early game wasn't even that good, the only thing going for her was her full clear. Her ganks are very telegraphed and are not a guaranteed kill. And they're even harder to pull off if you don't have movespeed stacked up from camps. Her mid game she finally becomes pretty strong, but mainly because of her high movespeed and E-R pick potential. Late game she is also pretty strong with the 3 second sleep and solid damage.

In Patch 11.14 she can't gank easily, has no movespeed, loses almost every duel, and can't even clear as fast in the early due to the Q cooldown nerfs. You only start feeling like a champion at 1 item, but a bad one. Her mid game is significantly worse as well due to lower movespeed, longer E cooldown, and shorter sleep duration. You only start feeling like a decent champion at 2 items, but still worse than the previous patch. Late game is obviously buffed, as that was their plan in the first place.


I'm confused as to why they are trying to make her some late game god, as the whole purpose of jungle right now is to help the team as much as possible in the first 15 minutes. Might as well not have her be a jungler if they keep these changes. The crappy heal with bad AP scaling on her passive does not outweigh the movespeed she lost. The increased damage on her 3 basic abilities does not make up for the movespeed she lost. The increased damage and AP scaling on passive does cover the movespeed she lost. The reason most people fell in love with Lillia was because of movespeed, not late game. Early game happens in EVERY game, late game does not.


TL;DR: Lillia is horrible Masters+ due to the importance of early game in the jungle, her increased clear time, bad ganks, and lower movespeed make her a bad pick