Ridiculous things that they would lie about
I thought to make a post where you guys can vent and comment ridiculous things your ex believed / would lie about. Once the blindfolds come off it’s so apparent to me and honestly makes me feel dumb for falling for it lol.
My snippet: my ex claimed that he was 6’ so obviously I believed him. My friend asked me how tall he was and I told her 6’. The first time my friend met my ex she told him “are you really 6’ because you don’t look like it” and my ex was sooo offended. There were several more comments he made to me to assure his height. I never questioned it because why would he lie about that? However.. I am literally 5’6 and after the breakup I’ve been looking at our photos of us standing next to each other and he’s like 3-4 inches taller than me at most. So silly that even something like height would be a lie.. what’s sad is that I think he truly believes he’s 6’.. just ridiculous the kinds of things that are lies