Becoming more attractive has shown me unexpected pros and cons

(If you want to see what I look like and what I used to look like, go on my profile!)

I grew up the stereotypical nerd with glasses (damn you universe for this horrible eyesight.) I played video games all day long, had no social life, and definitely did not have girls so much as look in my direction unless they needed help with their homework

I barely had any friends, and the ones I did have I could tell (for some reason) didn’t really respect me

I didn’t go out to social gatherings or get invited to parties

I was never the popular kid or the focus of any group (at least in a positive way)

I would get picked on for my looks, and though it didn’t happen too often, one of my “friends” actually ended up telling me to my face “Not gonna lie I’m sorry bro, but you’re fucking ugly” on a random school day

At the time this really didn’t affect me at all.. I was too focused on playing Minecraft all day to really care

This went on for the entirety of my middle school years and (some) of my high school years

Nothing really changed until I grew out my hair and more importantly— started hitting the gym and taking care of myself

I went from a frail frame of around 110-125 pounds (pics above for reference) to a lean 160 pounds

As I started to put more effort into my looks with the way I dressed, my skin, etc, I noticed many great outcomes— but definitely some “weird” or odd ones as well

1) I get approached more in social settings.. yet at the same time people are afraid to approach me? (I know, I don’t get it either.)

2) People either put me on pedestals in social settings or secretly hate me. No in between.

3) Pictures of me have ended up in group chats of older (some engaged) women (one of them showed me) where they talk about how “hot” they think I am

4) I notice that I get away with a lot of stuff that I probably shouldn’t, and notice people going out of their way to do things for me

5) I automatically get disqualified by a lot of women due to my looks because they think I “look like a fuck boy” or they don’t want to “compete” with other women

6) Women (and men 🤦🏻‍♂️) have offered to fly me out or fly to me

7) I get lusted over by many women, mostly in secret and I find out from their friends / they end up confessing— yet completely ignored by other (sometimes less attractive) women. And usually not in a “i’m getting friendzoned” kind of way, but more so as if they’re going out of their way to ignore me

There are many more, but my point to a lot of these isn’t to boast or brag in any way shape or form— it’s to show how much things tend to be on an extreme side of the spectrum, whether negative or positive, rather than balanced consistent outcomes