Fuck Belle. All my homies hate Belle.

Title sums up my feelings. What is her crusty ass good for? Serious question. She's the only person at Hotel Krat that contributes nothing.

Eugenie? Upgrades your weapons. Venigni? Actively works to help you find the cause of the Puppet Frenzy, decodes Cryptic Vessels free of charge, helps you with your other gear, and is generally a bro. Polendina and Pulcinella? Provide you with valuable supplies, and I assume they help with housekeeping around the hotel when you're not around. Sophia? Levels you up and turns back time to resurrect your dumb ass every time you get trucked by a boulder in the Barren Swamp. Giangio? Doesn't do much and is probably fucking you over in some way behind the scenes, but you couldn't cure Antonia without him. Antonia? She's been working hard her whole life, so she deserves a little rest, and even then I presume she's still responsible for managing the hotel. Even those assholes Alidoro and Gepetto hook you up with sick boss weapons and let you upgrade your P-Organ respectively.

Belle, meanwhile? Bitch just stands there taking up space in the lobby. Doesn't have anything interesting to say, doesn't sell anything, doesn't look for ways to make herself useful. She can't even be bothered to go freshen her grimy ass up and get a bath when she's at what's easily a world-class hotel in the Lies of P world. I KNOW she's just radiating the stench of weeks' worth of stale puppet oil, dried carcass juice and cheap tobacco smoke. Inconsiderate ass hoe ruins the atmosphere for everyone else with her lack of hygiene.

And then after doing nothing to help, she asks you to go out and risk your own life to find her partner. But you know what? That's fine. I'll take the high road and be generous, you know? It'd be cruel to refuse her.

So then after you go out and find her bitch ass partner, you think maybe she'd be inspired to pitch in around the Hotel a little more. But nah, that's asking too much out of her busy schedule of standing in front of the pillar 24/7. If you lie to her, she gives you a record. Alright, that helps with getting a trophy. But if you're honest with her about what happened, she gets all pissy at you like it's YOUR fault he became a Carcass, gives you a single Electric Blitz Abrasive as a "reward," and then fucks off to probably go get killed by a butler puppet with a candlestick or some shit. And that's fine by me. Nobody at the hotel misses her, that's for damn sure.

She says she's a 'soldier,' but of course she does nothing to help you fight the rampant puppets and monsters in Krat, and leaves the task of killing Victor all up to you as well. From the looks of things, she sure as hell didn't lift a finger when Hotel Krat was attacked. She better be fucking glad Antonia's generous enough to let her stick around. She should've at least put her ass to work doing laundry or dishes.

Belle makes me wish that Neowiz let you kill non-hostile NPCS like Fromsoft. I'd Patient Smash her ass into next week, and she'd die just as useful as she lived.

Fuck Belle. All my homies hate Belle.