Can someone explain why Trump is so sympathetic to Russia?

Like even for the colossal disgrace of a human being that he is, I’m not understanding the social-political context for why he is not supportive of Ukraine?

Admittedly, I’m young and not all that knowledgeable about foreign policy politics but my intuition from like US history classes and just having grown up in the US would tell me that since the Cold War, there’s been a heavy underlying ‘anti-Russian’ sentiment in US politics, basically across the political spectrum. And with Trump’s extreme to the max MAGA version of “nationalism” and handing out tariffs left and right, I would think of all people he would be opposed to Russian expansion… So why in the world does he seem to dickride Putin so hard? Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s self-interest involved, but what does he even have to gain from Russia gaining power??