Apparently the GX460 engine is NOT bulletproof.
Took my 2023 GX w/ 14k miles through a car wash on Friday. As I'm coming off the car wash belt, I notice my engine dies. I try starting it again which it does after making an awful noise.
As I'm pulling out of the car wash the engine dies again and I'm able to just coast into one of the dry-vac bays at the car wash.
From there the engine refuses to start. Throwing all types of errors from brake malfunction to low oil pressure (just had it serviced last month)
I have it towed to Lexus who after some time says there's water intrusion, but they can't figure out where. They're going to let it dry out until tomorrow and reassess.
I filed a claim with the car wash just in case the manufacture warranty doesn't cover water damage. Pretty insane to me that a car wash can cause this much mess for a new 460.