Dear RC

Dear RC,

I keep looking to see if you have written a post for me, but I have not seen one. I know you sometimes doom-scroll Reddit, so maybe you'll see this, but in all likelihood, you won't.

I hope you are ok. I hope she loves you the way you should be loved and takes care of you the way you should be taken care of. You deserve all the love and care in the world. I hope someday you realise how valuable and wonderful you are and that you deserve more. I hope someday you get the love you truly deserve because even the strong one needs love and for someone to hold them. I wish I could be that person for you. Maybe someday I will be. I know we agreed it would be impossible for us to be together, but I think we are smart enough to figure out how to make it work. We are the smart ones, remember? We could make it work. We were born to be together and I think you know it. I was born to be yours.

Sending you all my love.