“All substance no style” movies?

“All style no substance” is a super common critique of films, especially arthouse, weird, or esoteric films but I’m curious if you guys have seen any that fall into the opposite problem, where the movies is super well written, with great characters and performances, but pretty bland cinematography, set design, sound design, etc.

My pick would be Run (2020), it’s an amazing movie that I have a 4.5/5 and the only thing preventing it from being 5/5 is the style is a little band.

Any other personal picks that fall into this category?

“All style no substance” is a super common critique of films, especially arthouse, weird, or esoteric films but I’m curious if you guys have seen any that fall into the opposite problem, where the movies is super well written, with great characters and performances, but pretty bland cinematography, set design, sound design, etc.

My pick would be Run (2020), it’s an amazing movie that I have a 4.5/5 and the only thing preventing it from being 5/5 is the style is a little band.

Any other personal picks that fall into this category?