How do you guys make/organize playlists

I love exploring new music, mostly in rock and metal genres. And I’ve just been shoving everything I find into one playlist. I’ve slowly gotten that playlist up to around like 2200 songs or 165 hours or something like that.

Now I’m at the point where there’s a bit too many different sort of songs il skip like 10 times, trying to find a specific vibe (it’s not that the songs I skip are in any way bad), I like having a huge playlist, so I’m gonna keep it and add to it, but I seriously need to like make a few different ones with different sounds.

My problem is that I honestly have no clue how to go about this, last time I tried making playlists with a specific sub genre or vibe I end up researching each song to find out where it belongs, which takes forever and probably doesn’t even end up with good results.

How do you guys go about this? Also aside from vibe, if your going by specific subgenre, how do you know for sure that it’s that one and not something similar but different (for example I listen to grunge and it’s a decently broad sound but also only specific bands « qualify » into it).
