Do lesbians/bi girls discriminate based on height?

So I’m more leaning fem/alternative girl and I mostly gravitate towards girly girls. I have had the hardest time dating the last few years. I’m 25 and haven’t had a gf since I was like 19. I don’t really notice my height but girls ALWAYS mention it (im 4’11). Me and this girl followed each other for years and when we met in person she said instantly she does not do people that short and has a fear of mid*ets lmao😭 and I was kinda taken aback and it just made the whole date awkward. Not to toot my own horn but I am very conventionally attractive and very nice to others have a good sense of humor so idk if it’s those im attracting or attracted too but it’s definitely discouraged me from even wanting to approach girls bc I feel like they will see me as a child idk?