Does most lesbians think like that?

These comments were made in a reels about some studs who think it's offensive when another stud hit on them. (wich I think is stupid and heteronormative) There was a girl saying something like femxfem and mascxmasc are just playing around before finally getting in a femxmasc relationship. As a femme who was always interested in fem girls, I've always been a little bit insecure about it. Always felt like fem girls would always prefer masc.... And the last comment confirmed to me something that I was always thinking about: I feel like many femmes are looking for a "security" that they think only masculinity can provide. I think a lot of lesbians doesnt take us seriously when we're in a femxfem relationship.

These comments were made in a reels about some studs who think it's offensive when another stud hit on them. (wich I think is stupid and heteronormative) There was a girl saying something like femxfem and mascxmasc are just playing around before finally getting in a femxmasc relationship. As a femme who was always interested in fem girls, I've always been a little bit insecure about it. Always felt like fem girls would always prefer masc.... And the last comment confirmed to me something that I was always thinking about: I feel like many femmes are looking for a "security" that they think only masculinity can provide. I think a lot of lesbians doesnt take us seriously when we're in a femxfem relationship.