Bazzite made me use the LeGo less, switched back to Windows

Have owned a Steam Deck before. Tried Bazzite nearly a year after getting the LeGo (Out of curiosity). Initially played a few games for about a week but quickly lost interest. I didn’t realize how much I would miss Game Pass (and EA Play), especially when I wanted to play a couple of new titles which were $60 on Steam. Compatibility was also a concern for a few games in my library. Also Desktop mode felt clunky, I also occasionally browse the web on the LeGo, but doing so with Bazzite was a pain.

Switched back to Windows and am much happier now. I feel Bazzite offers a decent handheld console experience, but Windows is the more complete handheld PC experience with native support for everything. It's convenient and flexible, and the Desktop has always been pleasantly breezy on the LeGo. It's also nice to have the option of just plugging in to the desk and have a full-fledged Windows desktop (Though I have barely ever done it).