So much hate

Since the second trailer dropped yesterday i saw so many people online having *excessively* big and negative reactions to it, hating everything.

In my opinion, looking at what we have now, which is not even the final product, PLZA looks good, hell, it looks even better than Scarlet and Violet, there are some instances where some textures are... questionable but do i hate the game because of it? No.
The fact that two of the starters are from gen2 is such a no-problem for me, we only had one game in the Legends franchise, we couldn't know which change would stay and which would go away and even how a change would, well, change!
The wild zones are the topic where i actually find myself agree to an extent: i agree that it's a non-solution to the idea of making a pokémon game fully in a city but also, we already knew that we would've found pokémon in parks and even streets so, again, it's not a big deal for me.
The battle style is just cool, i won't hear anything about it.

Another thing i do understand is the people frustration that we didn't get more informations, a sneak peek to the new megas and stuff after a whole year of silence but, even then, i understand why they didn't do that, you want to create hype and interest, if you show everything in the beginning there's nothing left to show after!