Lissandra when?

After Kayle, I know we should expect the champions we've seen in that video (smth showing the filters in champ selection), Azir, Mel and others I don't remember now.

But do we have any reason to expect her soon?

I ask this not only because I love her/her play style and her on poc is a wet dream but also because we don't actually have champions with the monument play style that actually care what you do with the monuments. Don't get me wrong, I had my fun with Taliyah, but her (and Malphite, who's coming) are like "if you played/have a monument, gain buff X", they don't actively depend on what you do with said monument, like Lissandra, Xerath or Zilean.

Plus, Asol became playable soon after becoming "the hardest boss", when Fiddle came out together with his adventure, the hardest nightmare; but Lissandra, who's popular as a very challenging adventure and the new "hardest boss", isn't playable yet.

Hope you can understand what I'm trying to say.

Loving the new patch!