Struggling to make Votann work 10e
Hi all, I’ve tried a variety of lists with my albeit limited model pool, and I just feel a bit underwhelmed with what we can achieve.
I e played votann since their release in 9th but 10th feels very different
Fighting a target that doesn’t have judgment tokens feels very bad. I get that it’s a core mechanic but often we struggle to dish out many tokens.
Beserks seem far too fragile to be worth taking - yeah you COULD punch up against something, but more often than not you’ll get overwatched to death.
Even Hearthguard who are meant to be our biggest hitters are so fragile and a bit underwhelming with damage output.
I love sagitaurs and thunderkyn and bikes, but with such a limited model pool I don’t want to commit to buying 5-6 sagitaurs
So I’d greatly appreciate any advice on combos, playstyle or list building. I’ll post what I have below:
- Kahl x2
- Champion x2
iron master
warriors 3x10
sagitaurs x2
Beserks (maul) x5
thunderkyn (Grav) 2x3
pioneers (hylas) 2x3
hearthguard (plasma) x10
hearthguard (volkite) x5
hekaton x2