Vladimir guest of honor is extremely fun
What are your thoughts on guests of honor so far? I've been really enjoying Vladimir, having every player in the lobby have the same powerful augment is very hilarious. Obviously, some champions will benefit more than others, but that's just part of the randomness of the mode, but seeing everyone with Scopiest Weapons was a very unique experience.
I wish Draw your Sword was available for all champs, having Vlad give that would be really funny. Or Raid Boss, or Chauffeur... Damn, the possibilities.
On the other hand, I think people are over-voting Swain. This guest of honor is a double edged sword, because it removes the possibility to randomly roll Gold or Prismatic augments. You now always get Silver and have to farm ravens to get more.
This is making my games have a very low amount of Prismatic augments because everyone keeps voting Swain.
Also, the guests that lower Health like Darius or Briar are just... bad. I predict the meta will shift to voting mostly the guests that give positive buffs (Talon, Swain, Vlad...), rather than taking stuff from you