Laid off again.
My career began 8 years ago at a startup in the bay area. I joined a small 40 person startup as the only test guy for their new product. The work was interesting and I loved it. I initially started with automation code and finding bugs to managing the entire test infrastructure and developing tools. Before long I was called upon as the product subject manner expert and was involved in nearly every new feature, customer deal, support call and product meeting concering the product. I handheld the sales team and helped with POC's and ended up coaching the entire sales and support team every release on the product. I also built tools for deployment, rest, setup and various other things. In every way I was 100% on that product aside from development. Then my company got acquired and I went along with the new company. I continued to deliver hard. Then the pandemic hit. I was able ot work form home. THe isolation, the long hours and the pressure started to dent me and before long I was depressed burnt out and couldnt keep up. So I quit and flew back home to India in a bad Covid market. It took me a year and a half to find a job where I started to do good work. However, I got laid off again before I could complete 6 months. I've taken a month to reflect but now I'm open to ideas. My network in India is small. Support and ideas are welcome.