Literally nobody cares if you got a Cali

If you are a 1L please please please for the sake of your reputation do not brag about getting top grades or cali's and certainly don't announce it on Linkedin. You are going to piss everyone off.

A girl in my year posted her grades on Linkedin, she earned 2 cali's as well and then she proceeded to brag about getting prestigious summer associate positions and fellowships. she is currently unemployed. Idk what she did at the firms but i guess they didn't like her & nobody in our class wants to help her network since she was an asshole in 1L. Please don't be her.

** update** based on the comments it seems the people for cali awards actually don't know what being in the workforce is like and the concept of networking/relationships. Getting a cali is not a bad thing, in fact its a great thing! but your reputation in the legal field is 10X more important. You do not want to come across as a jackass or a twat to your peers or outside professionals. Your peers will later become those professionals years out of law school. You know what they will remember, probably anything negative instead of positive. Word of advice, although getting a cali and posting it on linkedin is practically harmless, you bragging or showing it off probs wont help you in the long run if you tarnish your relationships with classmate at the LS especially when you need a job. However, if you plan on going into a different region/state than your peers to practice, brag all you want, you won't need that network/those relationships to get you a job/keep your job in times of layoffs (yes, layoffs happen to lawyers too).

Moreover, this is totally unrelated but an important thing to mention, but really think about how you want to spend your working life, it is really easy to get caught up in the glamor of a biglaw career or something that pays incredibly well, but is it worth spending 60+ hours a week when you can take another job for less pay that only requires 40ish. Really, Really, think about it. If you have debt, then money should be #1 but if not, dont waste all your time working in something you actually don't like. You will waste your life.

For example, I didn't get a single cali, but I still got a big law SA position. I absolutely hated it. the content was boring af and the time requirement was atrocious (no time for friends, hobbies, family, rest, etc) I ended up going government (PD's office)I will be making 50k less but only 40 hours a week! plus I much prefer criminal law as well but I was afraid of not being able to support myself (as if making 85k a yr isn't enough for a single person as a PD lol) Trust me follow your heart and the money will come!