Personal Injury Software

Hi! My husband and I run a personal injury law firm in Houston. We’re using an outdated internal system for case management. We want to move to a dedicated software, but there’s so many options! Two people at our firm have used Filevine and swear by it, so that seems like the logical choice, but since the move will be challenging, I want to make sure we look at all the options first.

  1. It seems that everything is moving towards AI. It would be great to have a software that is ahead of the curve on this, or getting there. E.g. taking all the case information and automatically drafting an update for the client every two weeks.

  2. Personal injury doesn’t use hourly billing so I’ve found that the software tailored towards hourly firms won’t easily serve our purposes. It would be great to find a software with personal injury in mind. Btw we are a more high volume firm.

  3. It’s hard to say what exact functionalities we’re looking for in a software when I don’t know the possibilities, but some of the basic things we would like to have is the ability to put it all the case information, then have demands drafted, reduction requests, records requests tracked, date of last client interaction, case notes, check list, status of case (treating, discharged, negotiating) and tracking number of cases in each status, or by case manager.

Some of the case software we’re introduced to is:


Practice Panther




Thank you in advance for any guidance or experiences you can share!!