Rahul - Rubina
Idk if many of u can relate to it but being a hardcore BB watcher and season 14 being the one where i was way too much invested... seeing Rahul and Rubina being so friendly and interacting itna zdaa gives me a very diff kind of good feeling... i had only seen them always fighting , they always had a personality clash and they cud never like eo during BB ...Ofc those 2 were top 2 and i was a rahul supporter ,i hated rubina way too much back then BUT noww its sooo good to see them cooking togther winning stars and dancing around...They were literally arch rivals and when rahul complimented Rubina i literally cud not think of any time when he did so in BB ( Though her styling game was top notch even then )In initial episodes i felt they brought tht BB energy to LC too but now they've actually worked on themselves and they're easily my top pair(not contestant they might rank 2nd-3rd though)...
Since i'm making a post i also want to mention this weird behaviour of Vikki bhaiya , he wants to do all the work by himself like dude you've come as a pair as if he doesnt want Ankita to take the lime light at all whenever she is trying to make the main part of dish he just doesnt let her likee BROO at least let her try the max tht can happen is u will losta star but at least u wud be a good husband...I feel bad for ankita how does she keep up with this vile man at home...ankita girl just dump his a** you deserve BETTER!!!!