[Landlord-US-NYC] Tenants threatening to stop payments and sue if I do not solve the loud noise of a neighbor’s A/C unit.
In NYC, my apartment building is next to a restaurant. There is a narrow 5-foot wide alley between our buildings that belongs to the restaurant building owner and that the restaurant rents from. The restaurant has installed a refrigeration compressor and motor unit in the alley space attached to his restaurant external wall. The unit is on his property and does not touch my building. Several of my tenants who have bedrooms with windows to the alley are complaining that the refrigeration unit makes loud noise and they cannot sleep. The tenants want me to have the owner of the restaurant move or remove the unit. I have spoken to the restaurant owner and he is sympathetic but says the unit is running normally with no excess noise. His service technician has also examined the unit and claims it runs normally. This issue has been going on for 2 months and tenants are frustrated that I cannot force the restaurant owner do something about the noise. I tell them I have met with restaurant owner, that the unit is installed correctly, the unit is not on my property and I have no power to force the restaurant owner to fix something that works correctly and is apparently in no violation of an ordinance. Strangely, the tenants refuse to speak to the restaurant owner directly to present their complaint— they want me to solve the issue without cooperation of the restaurant owner because he sees no problem. I have made noise complaints to NYC Dept of Buildings and Dept of Environmental Protection but both agencies have not found a violation. So now the tenants are threatening me with lawsuit and rent payment stoppage until I solve the noise problem. Although I have made efforts to resolve the issue by contacting City agencies, arranging unsuccessful meetings with restaurant owner and his technician, had meetings with tenants to discuss but nothing has changed, I feel like I'm in the middle of this issue that I have no authority to resolve. I have fairly good relations with my 15-year tenants but this is straining the relationship. I want to solve this issue but I don't know what to do next. Anyone have insight or advice?