Marcus's Message at Tonight's Show Spoke to Me
Like Marcus, I grew up in a very rural area of Texas. For most of my childhood, I lived in a place where the nearest town was 15 minutes away, and it had a population of about 200. I even went to a Christian school in that town that had aboit 12 students total. I live in a more urban area of Texas now, but it's still hard. In addition to all of the bullshit going on with the political climate in the country right now, I teach at a rural college, and I deal with a lot of transphobia at work from my coworkers and students.
It's a nail-biting time for me right now. I'm waiting to hear back about whether I got into a PhD program in Ontario - and therefore, whether I have a ticket out of Texas or not.
THANK YOU to Marcus for reminding us reluctant Texans to survive in this shitty place right now. His life story/experiences have always been comforting to me, but hearing him say it in person during such a stressful time hit me to the core. I hope he knows how inspirational he is to those of us who have had similar experiences.